Clear space & size

Standard clear space

Our mark should always be surrounded by a clear space so that it is never crowded by other elements. The distance is determined by the visual height of the Newell “n” as shown in the illustration.

Standard clear space

Minimum size

The mark should never be smaller than 1/2” wide.

Minimum mark size

Consumer service number

Vertical orientation

Maximum application

Newell Brands 1” Wide

Tagline: Roboto Italic

Phone: Roboto Light

Font Size/Leading 10pt/14pt

Maximum vertical application

Minimum application

Newell Brands 0.5” Wide

Font Size/Leading: 6 pt/8 pt

Minimum vertical application

When logo is unavailable maximum application

Text Only
Newell Brands: Roboto Medium Initial Caps
Tagline: Roboto Italic
Phone: Roboto Light
Font Size: 10 pt
1st Line Leading: 14 pt
2nd Line Leading: 12 pt


The “We would love to hear from you” language will need to be translated as required under local language requirements depending on the countries in which the packaging is distributed.

Minimum application

Horizontal orientation

Maximum application

Newell Brands 1” Wide
Tagling: Roboto Italic

Phone: Roboto Light

Font Size/Leading 10pt/14pt

Maximum application

Minimum application

Newell Brands 0.5” Wide

Font Size/Leading: 6 pt/8 pt

Minimum application

When logo is unavailable maximum application

Text Only
Newell Brands: Roboto Medium Initial Caps
Tagline: Roboto Italic
Phone: Roboto Light
Font Size: 10 pt

When logo is unavailable maximum application

When logo is unavailable minimum application

Text Only
Newell Brands: Roboto Medium Initial Caps
Phone: Roboto Light
Font Size: 6 pt

Mininum horizontal application with no logo

Distribution information

Use with distribution information

Direction on font and exact wording of Distribution Information will be based on Brand Assets.

Spacing around logo follows guidelines for N-height.

COMP#: Roboto Medium
Address: Roboto Light
Brand URL: Roboto Medium
Tagline: Roboto Italic
Phone: Roboto Light


The legal entity name information depends on which countries the packaging is distributed. Please consult legal and the packaging specialists to customize for compliance with country requirements.

Distribution information